Who We Help: Postpartum

Postpartum return to fitness is an important aspect of women's health that has received increasing attention in recent years. The birthing process can result in various musculoskeletal issues such as diastasis recti, pelvic floor dysfunction, and altered biomechanics. These conditions can cause discomfort, pain, and limit an individual's ability to return to pre-pregnancy levels of physical activity. Many new mothers are not given adequate guidance and support for returning to fitness after childbirth, particularly those who have a history of being physically active prior to pregnancy. This can lead to frustration, injury, and a longer recovery period.

At Synergy Chiropractic & Sports Rehab, we take a comprehensive approach to postpartum rehab, addressing the specific needs and concerns of each individual. We utilize full hour-long, 1-on-1 appointments to thoroughly assess and treat any musculoskeletal issues that may arise. A woman's body changes after the birthing process, and it is pivotal to have the education and the understanding of what your body needs to return to activity or even take care of your family appropriately. We work with each individual to create a customized plan that addresses their unique needs and goals, helping them return to full exercise participation with confidence, resilience, and strength.